Hi kittens! Sorry for bad updates today, but it has been so beautiful weather today so I have been out and tanned a lot (almost burned myself haha!) and then cleaned the whole apartment and been to the store! As well, I had a little hangover today so I've been reeeaaally off with internet :O But, how did it went for me on the audition to Idol?
The truth is: I was waaaay to nervous on the audition, I wasn't prepared to be nervous because when I usually sing for people I'm never that nervous that I almost can't sing :O So it was kind of a chock for me as well thart I became so nervous!

But I really wanted it so badly so I guess that's the explanation to why I was so nervous :O
But, better luck next time! Or else I will participate in talent sweden instead because there is an audience and not only a few persons who listen, among friends there is no problems, when I sing to over 100 people there is no problems, but just 2-3 persons that I don't know, I automatically get nervous :O

They told me as well that my voice isn't in their ''category'' so I guess that affected a lot. But they told me as well that I have a really unique voice and that I shall keep on with singing and exploring my voice, and I take that as really good feedback! :D

Hahaha, "unik röst" säger de ju åt alla som failar så mkt att de inte vet hur de ska säga det utan att vara elaka hrrrrr


Haha sanna du är ju dum i huvudet! xD det är ju inte alls så dom gör med dom som KAN sjunga riktigt jävla bra, hon skrev ju att hon var för nervös och att hennes röst passar inte in i idol för den är inte pop!


det är ju alltid en förjury ditt pucko, dom är helt annorlunda än den riktiga juryn

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