When I moved from home I thought it would be great to finally have a place on your own, a apartment where I lived, I was the boss and I could challenge myself to take care of my own life! I moved to Haparanda then to a small apartment with my dog and my cat, for that apartment whereto I moved was a private landlord who was my neighbour. It all turned into a real hell, she wasn't just a old fine lady, she was mean and a real pain to deal with after I lived there for 6 months.
I took care of everything perfectly, just 17 years old, had often visits from friends and everything was perfect, school was nearby and I every day said hello to my landlord as well and took care of everything perfectly. Slowly my landlord began to be really rude, when I was home and didn't lock the door she just came in without knocking. I told her that I would really approciate if she knocked first and waited me to open the door instead of just coming inside where I lived surprisely.
She began to complain and said that my home allways was unclean because I had pets, allways expressed herself with words like; ''How disgusting'' ''your home is allways unclean'' ''it smells really bad in here!'' ''do you know what the word cleaning means?'' ''Your food is filthy because you have pets!'' etc, I allways made sure that it was clean in my home. I changed the cat's litter every week, cleaned many times a week, never left food to rut in the fridge, took out the garbage, I kept it all in a good condition, but it didn't matter to her. She thought I mistreated the apartment anyway. During summer time I used to open the window just to let fresh air come inside the apartment when I cleaned, she complained all the time at it! I told her that it's much more fresh to let fresh air in when you clean, but it bothered her - she thought it looked ugly when the window was just 5 cm open 30 minutes every day; the windows that I left open could only be seen by the neighboorhood and in that case not even everyone.
Allways when I left I locked the door, one day the door was open when I got home and it was only me who had a key and the landlord had a copy of the key in case of emergency. I didn't mind so much, I thought I had forgot to lock the door so I just walked inside and begun to vacuum. I found some small pieces of something beneath a carpet, but I just threw them away, but when I began to dust drying I saw that my piggy bank was broken and all the money I had saved there was gone. It didn't take long when I realised that there could be no one else who could've taken them than my landlord - she had the other key to my apartment.
My shower door was already broken when I moved into the apartment and I asked my landlord many times to fix it, she refused. Once my hatrack fell down, the walls was made by gypsum and the hatrack wasn't strapped good enough so I asked the landlord for help, she refused to help me because I had scarfs and gloves on the hatrack and not only hats. These 2 things never got fixed during the time I lived in that apartment.
When I had a Halloween party in 2011 a thing happened. It was very hot inside the apartment so I opened the window for a minute, suddenly someone slammed the window so the glass shaked and I fast ran to the door to see who it was, which was one of the neighboors, a older man who was a friend to the landlord. I asked him what he did that for, it was only luck that the glass didn't break because of the slam. He blamed it was my fault! So I went to my landlord and knocked on her door and when she opened I told what has happened, she refused to listen and made just fun of me. I thought it was first very much of my looks, so I explained to her that it was halloween and that's the reason to why I had a costume. She totally denied what I told her had happened and began to call me stupid, said that I didn't understand anything, that I surely had a mental handicap etc.
When time rolled on, it all continued with unwarned visits from my landlord who only opened my door with her extra key and stepped in, I began to keep my door locked even if I was home, but it didn't help. Within time she began to even look in through the windows and allways said something mean about what I did inside my own walls, so I began to allways keep the blinds down too. I could never let the daylight in because I didn't want her to stalk me and even if I asked her to stop stalking me through the windows she just yelled at me and called me retarded.
Many times she even called the police to search through my apartment, she lied to them that I was a drug addict. I had no problems with letting the police search through my apartment when they suddenly knocked on my door and told that they've got a notification from the landlord - what kind of drugs did she expect me to have? Something more than cigarettes?
In the laundryroom which was in the other building, was a lot of mold. It was impossible to wash the clothes there and letting them dry there, they begun to smell mold as hell! I told to the landlord that she should take a look to the laundry room because of the mold, instead she made me into a joke; ''your home is dirty, you don't have to wash your clothes because they will never keep clean on your filthy body!''

Fy fan.. Ursäkta ordspråket men vilken idiot! Den kvinnan borde få en smäll, varför hyr hon ens ut då hon tydligen inte ens tycker om ungdomar?
Hoppas man snart får läsa mer så man får veta hur det gick för dig!


Minns när jag var med då gubben dära inspekterade lägenheten då du hade nå klagomål om något och jag frågade om de hade ett besiktningsprotokoll sen den förre hyresgästen och han ba; bor du här?
Jag: nej?
Han: då ska du hålla käft

Besiktningsprotokoll är viktiga ffs.. Då det redan var skador och saker som fattades i lägenheten så borde det vara nerskrivet så du slipper stå för det sen när du flytta.. Men men.. :)

Vissa privat hyresägare är idioter..


Polisanmälan för olaga intrång? Om det inte står i hyresavtalet att hon äger rätten att valsa in och ut som hon behagar så får hon inte det. Rent krasst hade du kunnat sätta en kniv i bröstet på henne och hävdat självförsvar om hon bara traskat in i ditt hem.

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