Hi kittens! I'm sorry that I haven't been blogging like, at all today! But I have had a huge headache and I as well had to go and see the doctor in town so he could look after what's wrong with me - I've been ill for over 2 months now, sometimes the illness gets worse and sometimes it's better. But I can't be ill for 2 months on a road, so I had to go and see the doctor, I'm really nervous to know the answer in the end of this week o.O
The doctor said that it was a bit strange that it had been gone and then be coming back all the time, ansd what I'm most afraid of is that what if it's something that I maybe can die from!? :O
But I will update more tonight, there will be a competition as well, and foc I'll publish the video that I'm done with (it's a selfconfidence boost video) but that will be published late, something reeeeaaally scandalious, and as well a little nail fashion ;)
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