• First of all, you have to brush all hair through, then separate 10cmx10cm hair over your ear (which side is your own choice). Braid it already so it won't get messed with the rest of the hair when you begin to tease.
  • Separate as well you bangs on the other side of the braiding, so it either won't get messed up when you tease. Attach your baings with a bobby pin so it will hold it's place while you tease.
  • Third step, tease the whole hair except you bang and the braiding ofc! Make sure you get it fluffy, and use a cam for the best teased result and hairspray for the best hold!
  • When you have teased the whole hair, now let's go on to the bangs! Take a curler and warm it up so it will be ready to use when you need it! Now, tease the bangs and make it fall in the volume that you want it to be in! Use hairspray only on top of the bangs!
  • Now, take a brush that is smooth and brush slightly all the hair (just on top of it) so it gets the smooth but volumizing look (like on the picture)!
  • Next, the bangs again! Take the curler and curl from the middle of the bang to the end of it. When you've done that, tease slightly and make it fall to the right place so it matches with the rest of the hair (you can see how on the picture below).
  • Use hairspray all over the hair so it will hold!
  • Last detail, the braiding, you can now braid it all over again and make it fall on the right place, and then fasten it with bobby pins (cross 2 bobbypins holds the best!) and after that, you can add a little decoration on the end of the braiding if you want to :)

Very nice! :) ♥

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