There are allways people and allways will be people who can't shut up and instead they scream out loud to a person ''you're ugly'' ''you're fat'' ''wow, look a retard!'' ''u gotta get your face fixed up!'' ''put some makeup on looser!'' etc, those things bring peope down because words hurt more than you could imagine! At the same time, you maybe begin to put on makeup because you feel like you're the ugliest person in the world, a lot of people even do plastic surgery to get rid of the evil comments!
The sickest part is that when you try to fit and be perfect, you get these comments instead: ''what a brat!'' ''look, she think she is something'' ''haha, even makeup couldn't save you!'' ''you're ugly anyway with or without makeup'' ''what a retarded bimbo'' ''natural beauty wins all looser!''
So what are you gonna do when nothing really help when you actually really try to fit only because you're sick and depressed of hearing all the comments that people yell to you?
Then you should keep on reading, because here are my adviced and I know that they work - at least you make them shut up and give them the feeling that their dumb comments doesn't bite you!
Here is the answers to dumb comments I've used:
  • How funny - first you're sick of my looks - when I fix it you get jelaous instead! I win!
  • Just smile, give them a flirt and walk away - it bites back the most!
  • Still it doesn't make you more beautiful!
  • Still proud of myself no matter what you say!
  • I didn't ask you about advice - so back off!
  • Still, you're just a nobody to judge me!
  • I didn't know you got so jelaous - otherwise you woldn't comment me either!
  • I'm not perfect, I just see right through your bullshit!
  • If someone tell you like this; ''You will never ever be like me'' then this is the perfect answer: ''Sweet! I don't want to be like you because I know how to be better'' - if she asks ''wow, how?'' just answer: ''Watch me!'' and walk away with a big smile on your lips!
  • And why should I give a shit about what you think of me  if it isn't something good?
  • Quit comparing us - you know I win when you're not popular anymore!
  • Still perfect as anybody else - including you!
  • You get the comment ''what friends? You don't have any friends!'' then you just answer ''ofc you don't know them, I don't hang out with idiots''
  • You get the comment ''And what are you supposed to look like?'' you asnwer: ''Oh I just followed your advice!'' If you get the answer ''well you still loo stupid with makeup'' you just smile and say ''Then I guess I must be naturally perfect!''
  • After you've began to wear makeup and a evil person says to you: ''wow, you begin to wear makeup and still you look like a looser'' then you just say: ''well then you must be like me'' and if you get the answer: ''haha, howcome?'' you just say: ''because you're advice didn't work''
  • Somebody says to you ''gosh you're ugly!'' answer: ''Says who?'' -you probably get the answer: ''You don't know who I am?'' just asnwer: ''Why should I know anything about someone who doesn't interest me?'' And keep on walking!
The best thing is to make a bully taste his own medicin, they they maybe begin to think and no matter if they stop or not - others will begin to have respect for you because they see that it doesn't bite you when you don't give a shit about all that bad things they say about or to you! Because think like this; If you are not perfect, then no one is! If someone is perfect, then everybody is! No matter if you believe it or not, but that's the truth!

And to all you people out there who allways have to try to drag others down
- it doesn't make you a better person - in fact, it makes you useless! If there's something that you don't like like a persons looks for example, then shut up and don't say anything at all! If you think that you are so perfect and have no fails - then don't make yourself become ugly either by trying to drag someone else down. Til' the end, it will be you who loose because everything that you said to a person that hurts when she/he haven't done anything mean or wrong to you will make you only feel yourself like a looser instead. That's a bad feeling, but it's your own fault. So think before doing, or don't do at all! Be smart; Just shut up if you don't have anything good to say - your words will kick you back!
And be brave enough to be honest to yourself and others - admit you've done wrong if you ever have tried to bring down someone else with your words!

Fin blogg :D
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Svar: Hej! Åh, tack så hemskt mycket, detsamma du! :D Jo jag vill jättegärna göra ett bloglovin' byte med dig, följer dig redan på bloglovin, blev nummer 22 :P Skriv sen vilket nummer du blev! :) Kram


Riktigt bra skrivet inlägg. + poäng till dig :) Många behöver nog få läsa inlägg som dessa.

Svar: Tack! :) Jo, jag vill verkligen att fler ska våga säga ifrån då när det finns folk som försöker trycka ned andra! Tycker det är otroligt viktigt att våga stå på sig! :)

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