There is many ways to bully someone and to be mean to a person. Through not caring about other people, being so jealous that you try to drag that person down, see someone being bullied and not help. Just being quiet and look the other way is bullying as well, a lot of people do like that to a person that even talks to them! By ignoring a person that hard is bullying as well, being quiet and see someone get hurt is bullying. Have anyone ever thought of this: THAT girl or boy who's getting bullied and has no friends, could be the best friend you could ever have involved in your life?

But how can you find strenght to say no, and not being bullied yourself?
Here is what to do, at least trying it is worth it!
  • If you see that someone is getting bullied, stand up by her/his side and look at the bullies and tell them it's not okay. They may WILL make a joke of you, IF they do, be strong and laugh back at them and tell them that bullying won't make them into something better. Everyone is equal!
  • Bullies are usually just a few, the rest is ignoring it. Think this way; How wonderful wouldn't it be that there was something better with school where you can talk and say hi to everyone? Back up for the bullied one, they will approciate it and maybe you will find a really good friend!
  • Talk to the bully and ask how he's/she's doing. They will answer to you that they're fine, but keep on asking and talking with her/him, been seen by someone means a lot to a bullied one!
  • If you think something negative about the bullied person, still, thinking and doing are two different things. You don't have to be mean to a person or ignore something that you think is wrong (for example bullying someone) just because you don't like the bullied for some reason. There are a lot of people I don't like, but I still don't have to be mean to them!
  • Be the one who you are and say hi to the bullied, it makes the bullied feel better about himself/herself and you may even save a life through saying one single word, like hi!
  • Doing this, all of these things to someone who is a victim of bullying, will make you feel better!
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