Okay, I know that bullies are everywhere in the world, from the biggest cities to the smallest villages. But THIS is the place where I was treaten like shit, it's a small village called Töre in north Sweden, Kalix Kommun. It began with my teacher when I was in the 2nd grade who began to call me fat, refused to help me with math and other studies in school, she tried to make my mother look like shit, she spoke lies behind our backs, not to mention all the things she did when she made a few pupils in the class become ashamed of themselves, I was one of them! She have even beaten up a kid who was just 2 years older than me back then. One true and sick thing is that she STILL has her job!
Ofc it continued with some pupils! I will tell you all in detail about the good persons around me AND especially about the bullies, which are sort of the bad - but thanks to the bullies and their fucking parents who didn't take their full responsibility to make real humans of you, I've become something more that what you'll never be better by doing like that to another person! I am beautiful (that's thanks to my genes) but thanks to you who allways told me how ugly and fat I was back then, you made me realise that I was soooo sexy that it overflows that you under all those years HAD to try me believe in a lie. You we're just jealous, and I bet that you still are!

My best friend Cissi Bjernstedt died of anorexia in 2008, the bullies at school said she was my ''imaginary friend'' just because they didn't believe that someone with that disease could weigh about 30 kilos, and ofc because they didn't believe that I had friends. And oh, the classtrip! You remember ''that, white sheeps''? How much fun wasn't it to comment on my dayview a lot of shit? No, I have never been to a classtrip, but I'm proud that I never have either! I'd rather be at home practising art instead of being showed with pure idiots as you we're back then! Some may have changed, but I never forget what you did.
On the exam, 2008, I may said a few bad words like ''what should I give to all of you bullies? Well, all I have to give, is Fuck you!'' but I sure still think that those are the most wonderful words I've said in a church to those who deserved to hear it! I don't give a shit about a god or any fucking religion. You bullies blamed me for saying like that in a church and that's not right, guess what? I bet Jesus and God, if they've been real and still are up there somewhere, that they didn't mind at all because they love everyone!

I WILL PUBLISH classphotos from all years I had in Töre, but I won't point out neither the good or the bad, but when you who have bullied me, You will know that I mean you when I read those textes in that post that will be published  soon! And let me give you a warning from now; All those words I write here, will be that what YOU did to me without any fucking reason, all I do is just show how hard you tried to pull me down - and there is no one else to blame than yourself. YOU bullies said to me that I lied for over 8 years, so I'm going to be honest - Unless YOU won't apologize for all that what you did to me, then we all know who the real liar is!

I will never forget. I will let the whole world know - and it's YOUR fault that you decided to be that criminal.
And oh, one last thing; I have nothing to be sorry for, because I never did anything wrong.

vinnarna av dagens blogg är nu utsedda, kika in och se om du är en av dom! :)


kärlek till dig! det är sjukt starkt av dig o skriva ut det på bloggen. <3


Det är så himla skönt att se att du står på dig och framförallt är stark efter allt du varit med om! ╮(╯3╰)╭ Jag beklagar sorgen över din vän dock :/ Hela inlägget både smärtade mig, så glad att du vågar though. blessed be!

Karin Lygnersjö

Starkt av dig att dela med dig, fortsätt kämpa! <3


Så jävla snyggt sminkad!

Rebecca cmk

bra att du vågar stå på dig.
you kick their ass!!

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