Omg! Now mine and my love's goal is set, we are going back to Spain together! :D We'll try to gain money for the trip which will cost us at least 30.000 kronors, but we will make it! :d i've missed spain so much and it will ofc be Alcudia, Mallorca again! As soon as we get there we'll visit London Bar where we know the people who work there, and when we go there we will stay for 3 weeks at least haha! :D ooooooh I can't wait! It will be fun for me as well to update my blog while I'm on vacation somewhere else than Sweden, and shit how much I will update you with pictures and happenings! :D Our goal is to go in August, by then we should've get so much money that we can go there and ofc - that's the time when it's hottest days there where we are going - and our trip will be luxurious! :D Can't wait! :D